Three Greatest Words
These are the three greatest Words,
By which we hear as the Cross is near.
True Words of Faith,
True Words of Grace.
The Last Words spoken
As the final breath is taken,
As the world is shaken.
As death brings forth life,
As His Love is magnified.
As the payment is complete,
As the Son now intercedes.
What are these three Great Words?
“It is finished”
As the Son declares it for all Eternity.
“It is finished”
By the Only One,
The Everlasting Son.
Will you look and see.
Why these Words are needed,
To enter into The Fathers Kingdom.
How do we know it's True.
By His Resurrection
Three days later is in view.
These three Words,
“It is finished”
Says the Gospel of God's Love.
Has come down from above.
To a world in need.
Of these three words,
For all Eternity.