Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Letting Go

After some panic attacks, I found myself fighting through my anxieties. I came to a conclusion that instead of worrying, maybe I would let go trying so hard. Truly I found myself trying to be perfect. God made me aware that some of the things I was doing were not necessarily bad, but I was being lead in a strange way to be perfect. These things were not bad, but as added things to a do list. Things which were preferences and not convictions. The first step was to assume that I was truly saved. As I work through this I found a key to stop working for perfection and even salvation. There is a verse that talks about this, "But to him that works not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness." Truly salvation states by looking at Christ death for us and through faith we find a resting place. As I stopped putting energy into my fears, I found myself not working. I found that I could tell God I would trust Him for his will for me. I would remember to not work, but let go into God's hands.

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